CR-Software's - German Landmarks FS2004
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CR-Software's - German Landmarks FS2004

Landmarks is now available for FSX and the new version is extensively enhanced
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German Landmarks is now available for FSX and the new version is extensively enhanced! We have added a large amount of objects so there are more than 10.000 objects available to enhance your VFR flights over Germany.

Also more than 1.000 different objects like power stations, industrial plants, high-rise buildings, TV towers, transmitting towers, wind farms, castles, locks, churches, harbor facilities and much more, are at your disposition. 260 glider airfields, 80 ultra lights fields and 320 heliports are also included as landmarks and are visible via GPS. As the runways are adapted to the mesh they will follow the terrain so sloped runways are included.

- About 2.200 objects added precisely according to the official AIPO from DFS.
- Using glider databases and satellite images another 8.000 objects have been added.
- More then 340 glider / ultra light fields and 320 heliports are available.
- Around 1.000 individual objects were created and other objects taken from the FSX library are used, so a large variety of objects is guaranteed.
- The location of the objects are shown on a digitized maps that can be zoomed in and out.
- The objects are optimized for FSX mesh, other higher density mesh projects have not yet created any problems.



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